Vegetable Soup
Design and Technology
‘Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new’- Albert Einstein
At Sandhurst Primary School, we believe that Design and Technology should be ‘inspiring, rigorous, informative and practical’. DT at Sandhurst Primary School allows children to step in to the shoes of the designer and fully immerse themselves in the role. Our children become problem solvers, critical thinkers and creative individuals. Our Design Technology lessons inspire children to think independently and innovatively whilst gaining technical understanding. Children may work alone or in a group and during lessons are given the opportunity to research, explore, investigate, develop and evaluate their work.
Throughout their journey as designers in Sandhurst Primary School, children are given the opportunity to design and create for a purpose and to make practical products for themselves and others.
This journey begins in the Early Years and Foundation Stage where children will learn through first-hand experiences. Children explore, observe, solve problems and think critically. They make decisions and begin to discuss why they made their choice. A child’s imagination is their only limit in EYFS as they construct a bridge out of Lego for their toy to cross, consider why glue might be more appropriate to join bits together when making a vehicle and discuss why it is important to wash our hands when baking cakes.
Throughout Key Stage One and Two children generate and develop ideas through discussions with peers and create diagrams, prototypes and computer generated images. At Sandhurst, children have a wide range of tools and resources to select from and are always encouraged to complete their work accurately to achieve the best result. They become evaluators, looking at existing products and evaluating their own ideas and products. Children are also given the opportunity to discover and research real life designers, engineers and chefs and consider how they have had an impact on the world.
We follow the D&T “Project on a Page” scheme of learning to support teachers and children on their D&T journey.