Personal, Social and Health Education and Relationships and Sex Education at Sandhurst

PSHE and RSE at Sandhurst
PSHE (Personal, Social and Education) is an integral part of our curriculum at Sandhurst. It is at the core of everything we do and enables our children to become confident, independent, curious, collaborative and resilient learners.
We believe that our PSHE curriculum should equip pupils with the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and practical skills to live happily, healthily, safely and responsibly in our society, both now and in the future.
Through understanding themselves and their world, increasing their sense of happiness and self-confidence, PSHE aims to give every child an equal opportunity to develop the skills and knowledge they need to thrive. This includes helping them to deal with important issues they face every day such as friendships, emotional wellbeing and change.
We mainly follow a curriculum developed by the PSHE association with supporting SCARF materials and activities developed by Coram Life, chosen to promote positive behaviour, good mental health, wellbeing, resilience and achievement. Our PSHE curriculum is also supported and developed through pupils who are peer mediators, playground friends, pupil librarians and digital leaders.
Our PSHE curriculum covers three key areas:
- Health and wellbeing
- Living in the Wider World
- Relationships
Timetabled PSHE lessons are taught weekly or in blocks of learning from Years 1-6. Teaching and learning is delivered and is recorded in many ways: discussions, displays, recordings, mind-maps and reflections. We aspire for our pupils to confidently articulate and express their thoughts, feelings and responses whilst showing respect and tolerance for views of others.
There are also many other additional opportunities where children are involved in PSHE learning, including assemblies where a range of themes are covered, cross curriculum teaching (e.g. PE, RE and Geography) and contributions made by our School Council (there are representatives from each class).
We hope that The PSHE curriculum at Sandhurst will send children onward on their journey through school and life with an understanding of their lives and world, and a respect for others and their differences. We hope they will be confident and caring people with the resilience, skills and knowledge to make informed and positive life choices, leading happy and fulfilled lives.
RSE (Relationships and sex education) is a component of the PSHE curriculum. RSE contributes to promoting and supporting the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils and in so doing, prepares them for the responsibilities and experiences of adult life.
In primary schools, RSE focuses primarily on relationships education and learning about the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of happy, successful, fulfilling and safe relationships. They will learn also about their bodies; how they change, healthy lifestyles, diversity and personal identity. There are strong cross-curricular links with the science curriculum through learning about ‘Life and living processes’ and ‘Animals, including humans’. Children also learn about respecting others so we may prevent and remove prejudice, fostering gender equality and LGBT+ equality. Topics and learning are always at an age appropriate level and inclusive, adapted to meet the needs of all our pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
In Key Stage 1 children learn about people who care about them within their own family and wider community. They learn about different types of families, including the common features of family life and friendships. They learn about their bodies, including proper terminology for key body parts and keeping safe and healthy, this is also part of the science curriculum. They learn that it is important to tell someone if something makes them unhappy or worried.
We use the NSPCC ‘Talk and Stay Safe‘ materials to help children understand:
- That parts of their body are private
- How to recognize risky or negative relationships
- They have a right to say no
- If they need to speak out, someone will listen
Materials can be found online at: › pants-underwear-rule
In Key Stage 2 children continue to learn about different types of relationships (eg. friendships, family relationships, romantic relationships and online relationships), different types of family structures and shared characteristics of family life. They continue to learn about privacy and personal boundaries. Within our learning, we encourage the children to listen and respond respectfully to others who may have different beliefs, traditions and lifestyles and to discuss and debate topical issues respectfully and constructively.
There continues to be strong links to the science curriculum and, of course, the general PSHE curriculum. Children learn about their bodies and how they will grow and change. This includes learning about the physical and emotional impact and changes of puberty, including how to manage these. In year 5, children learn about reproduction in plants, animals and humans. This includes learning about reproductive organs and processes, how babies are conceived and born and how they need to be cared for. In year 6 this includes knowing that there are ways to prevent a baby being made. Parents are informed about this learning and when it will occur. They can speak to the Headteacher if they do not want their children to participate in components of this learning.
We view the partnership of home and school as vital in effective RSE education. We are always happy to discuss what the children are leaning and the resources they will be using.
Links to the RSE curriculum coverage and PSHE curriculum coverage can be found below.
Please click here to explore our RSE Whole School Overview
Please click here to find out our PHSE Whole School Overview.
Please click here to see our PSHE/RSE SEND adaptations