‘All schools should be art schools’ – Patrick Brill 2016
Art has always had a high status at Sandhurst. We pride ourselves on offering a range of rich art education that enthuses and excites pupils. We aim to give all children the chance to be inspired by artists, craftspeople, architects and designers and the time and space to engage with the physical world and their own imaginations to stimulate a creative response.

Pupils spend the first fortnight in their new class in September responding to, and exploring their class names and the resulting artwork is displayed for the academic year in our main corridors and stairways. The children’s artistic responses from nursery to year 6 are quite a spectacle.
The EYFS phase and Key stage 1 and 2 have their own schemes of work. These document the key knowledge, skills, techniques, outcomes and experiences for the children in each phase and year group. Drawing, painting, printing, textiles/collage, digital media and 3D form are all explored in a sequential, developmentally appropriate way. Exploration and experimentation with materials and techniques are key. Art teaching is often linked to themes and topics so the children are learning in a meaningful context. These schemes of work can be found below.

Looking and talking is a crucial component in our art education. Key artists from across the world, cultures and ages are identified in each year group. The children learn about their work, its purpose how it was/is created and similarities and differences between artists working at different times and in different cultures. Pupils may then be supported to explore working in that way, with similar stimulus, media etc.
Sketchbooks are used from year 1 as a place to record and develop pupils’ responses to the world. We aim to cultivate a ‘sketchbook habit’ and for all children to have a sense of ownership and pride in their sketchbooks. In their sketchbooks we support children to collect ideas, explore and experiment with key skills, make links and, most importantly, reflect on and evaluate their work and the work of others.

We are in the fortunate position to have our own kiln. This ensures pupils have planned opportunities to explore clay, develop key skills and techniques and create a range of models, objects and artefacts.
We are keen to make links with local artists, designers and craftspeople. We are always looking for opportunities to ensure that art education remains current, relevant and accessible for our pupils.